Here are some photos from the copper top we did the other day. The Geocel 2310 Brushable tri-polymer sealant from ABC supply is the best for gluing copper to MDF underlayment. We had set the last piece and had it clamped when we discovered we were 1/4" out of registration. loosened the clamps and gently slid it to rights. Try that with contact adhesive!
Copper tops are not green, but it's an inexpensive way to do a counter top that looks cooler than Formica. It's soft and rustic and ages to a pretty cool patina. A local bar had a tenderizing party when they put in a new top and gave out hammers and let the patrons hammer on it.
Total cost $150 for the two 3x10 16oz copper sheets, 50 bucks for the glue, and the regular set up for Formica, and six or seven hours for two guys to fold it all in.

The blank is 5/8 MDF underlayment reinforced with 2x6 for an edge profile of 2 1/8"
Rolling out the 3' x 10' 16 oz copper sheets
Scribing the shape of the top onto the copper
Make the plan then cut it out, dotted lines are folds, solid are cuts
Notching the under fold area ahead of time
The inside corners need a fillet
The fillet has ears that get tacked up under the top
Fillet installed and ready for the top
Setting the crease with a rubber hammer
Working a radius into the corner with the round shaft of a chisel
Working the edge with a hard chunk of southern yellow pine
Starting the under fold using two chunks of yellow pine
Test fit in the studio cabin
The finished fillet and cut out for the farm sink
The finished out-corner
Finished studio kitchenette